Report from London (in English, German and French) by Kathleen Peterson & Noemi Anika Erasmus Trip to London: Three students of our school who were participating in the Erasmus project were chosen to help in the production of the very first Erasmus newspaper. To do this, we took off from Germany the 10th of mars in a plain to reach London. Our first weekend there, we visited central London and many important buildings. We even took a sightseeing bus to truly experience London's historical wonders. For example, we visited Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, the Queen wasn't there to host us. The first week day, we went to Nottingham and Ealing High School (who are one of the 5 schools participating in Erasmus). There, we also met the chosen students from France, Bulgaria, and Sweden. We started off our day with an assembly and we were glad to have attended. Right after this, we were given a tour of the school and definitely felt welcome. The highlights o...