Erasmus + Gender Issues in School Photo Competition
As part of the second year of our Erasmus +
project, we would like to offer all students at our partner schools the
opportunity to take part in a photo competition.
SOU Sveti Kliment
Ohridski, Bulgaria
Vauban, France
Schule Karlsruhe, Germany
Notting Hill & Ealing High School,
United Kingdom
The aim of the competition is for you to
take a series of four photographs over the course of four months (December
through to March) and to submit one each month. Each month’s photograph will be
based on a theme to do with this year’s topic ‘Gender roles and issues in society and in the media’
December 2018 – Christmas
January 2019 – New Year’s resolutions
February 2019 - My community
March 2019 – Sport
Photographs must be submitted by the last
day of the month. Please send your entries to
You must include the following information
Your name
Your school
Your age
You may also include a title or
description for your photo
There will be a winning photograph for each
theme, and at the end of the competition, prizes for the best photograph
overall and for the best portfolio of work.
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