Erasmus + Gender Issues in School Photo Competition

As part of the second year of our Erasmus + project, we would like to offer all students at our partner schools the opportunity to take part in a photo competition.

SOU Sveti Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria
Collège Vauban, France
Europäische Schule Karlsruhe, Germany
Malgomajskolan, Sweden
Notting Hill & Ealing High School, United Kingdom

The aim of the competition is for you to take a series of four photographs over the course of four months (December through to March) and to submit one each month. Each month’s photograph will be based on a theme to do with this year’s topic ‘Gender roles and issues in society and in the media’

December 2018 – Christmas
January 2019 – New Year’s resolutions
February 2019 - My community
March 2019 – Sport
Photographs must be submitted by the last day of the month. Please send your entries to
You must include the following information
·         Your name
·         Your school
·         Your age
·         You may also include a title or description for your photo

There will be a winning photograph for each theme, and at the end of the competition, prizes for the best photograph overall and for the best portfolio of work. 


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